New Year’s Family Communion

On Wednesday, January 6th, WCN will begin 2021 the best way we know how: Gathering families around the table of the Lord. Our New Year’s Family Communion is an annual tradition. This time around (like everything else) it will be different. Instead of gathering in smaller closed rooms, pastors will meet with families circled up in the corners of the sanctuary. We encourage you to reserve a time slot to minimize crowded wait times. If you have trouble registering, you may call 296-4184.
The NYFC is for families and/or singles. It will be from 3pm to 7pm. Masks are encouraged. If you are unable to join us and would like communion and the chance to pray with a pastor over the phone, let us know.
Several things about the NYFC will not be the same. But this will be the same: You will have the chance to begin a new year with your family, prayed over by one of your pastors, around the Lord’s table.
Registration Directions:
Click on the time slot that will work best for you/your family. If you should get a notification that the time slot is filled, you will need to choose a different time slot.
Please register only one person per family. We do not need a registration form completed for each person attending, if you are attending as a family.