Engage Groups

Sundays at 10:00am


NextGen Engage Groups:

Discovery Tinies and Teeny-Tinies (birth- 3 years old)
Rooms 139 & 140 (Delilah King)
Discovery Littles (4 years (and potty trained – Kindergarten)
Room 141 (Rachel Reynen & Charles Davidson)
1st – 3rd graders
Room 149B (Pastor Kelsey & Alisha Jackson)
4th – 5th graders
Room 120  (Karl Reynen & Eugene Cavness )
Jr. High (6th – 8th grade)
Room 128 (Jeni Lill & Karalee Sternberg)
Sr. High (9th  – 12th graders)
Room 124 (Eugene Woodside, Rachel Bibby & Jane Langston)

Adult Engage Groups:

The Bridge Group (18 year olds – 20 somethings)
Room 142 (Katie Brown)
The New Life Group
The Center’s chair storage room (Don McGuire)
The ReStoried Group
The Center – kitchen side (Pastor Mary & Nick Forester)
JOY Group  
Room  123 (Greg Field)

Rolling Stones Group

The Center – chair storage side (Trent Riley)

Everyday Grace
              Room 122 (Pastor Janice)